Ristorante Enoteca Porta di Bacco

Address: Via di Gracciano nel Corso 106
Locality: Montepulciano
Phone: +39 0578 757648
Web site: www.portadibacco.it
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The best comes from the kitchen, which can be seen from the kitchen window at the Restaurant, the ingredients come from local producers and are the best that the territory can provide in Tuscany, a region with a very long tradition of cooking. The olive oil - DOP TERRE DI SIENA, the honey served with some dishes, the seasonal vegetables are from our garden. Each dish is fresh and produced daily, from our land dedicated to the genuine tastes. Cheeses are produced, and selected from the best local and small dairies, as for the salamis. The ambience will let you breath in the history of the place and of the town of Montepulciano, and you cannot avoid feeling the evocative atmosphere, with its centuries of the past. Closing day tuesday.